Practice post

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about the city of santiago and my favorite place to visit there, and how to get there, first I want to say that I do not know too much about santiago because I do not leave here. My favorite place to visit is the Parque Bicentenario because is a beautiful place to go with your friends and family, and also with your pets, here you can look at awesome views and relax in the hug grassy areas, it’s too easy to get here going in the subway to the station Tobalaba and walk like a couple of minutes, taking up the subject again I want to say that my favorite mean of transportation is the subway because is fast and every time it takes the same time to get where I want, but it has it's disadvantages like the amount of people using it in peak hours, with this I say goodbye, take care everyone.


  1. nice place, it's huge and full of trees. i like it, and also, i'm team subway

  2. my favorite mean of transportation is also the subway beacuse I use it every day

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Very nice place with charming views, once day I went and I enjoyed so much

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. all people to say me, taht i must to go"Vicentenario" park, i will visiting


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